Before and After

I found a few minutes this afternoon to play with the editing software that came with my camera.  I have been rather overwhelmed by the learning curve that comes with mastering the software. However, as I fiddled with it this afternoon, I don’t think it will be as difficult as I feared.
Here are a few before and after photos. Let me know what you think!
Photography buffs, what do you think? Am I on the right track?
I am linking up with Sweet Shot Tuesday at I hope I can get some good advice from Darcy’s readers!

I Love a Kid With a Big Imagination

This little peanut wanted me to see what she had made with color blocks.
“What is it?” I asked.
“A traffic!” She squealed excitedly.
Her little mind amazes me.

Sweet Shot Tuesday

The fragrant gardenias are almost gone. Their beauty has faded, but their syrupy sweet scent lingers a little while longer.
This photo is linked up to Sweet Shot Tuesday with Darcy at If you are visiting for Sweet Shot Tuesday, please feel free to look around!

Perfect Party

This sweet boy, my nephew Tucker, turned five last week. This weekend we celebrated with a party at the fire station. Now I ask you, what five-year-old boy would not LOVE a party at a real live fire station with for real fire men?!? There is a cute, private little playground right next door to one of the local fire stations with a covered pavilion WITH CEILING FANS! Can I get an amen? Because it was June in Alabama, which means it was HOT! But those fans, God love ’em, kept it bearable for the parents while the kiddos had a ball on the playground. After they played a little while, we all headed next door to the fire station where the firemen were so kind and let the little ones get up in the fire trucks. They let them play on the fire truck as long as they wanted to in order to satisfy their curiosity and see all the mechanisms and contraptions. These kiddos thought it was WAY cool! It was a very fun party for a very fun little boy! Happy fifth birthday to our T-Tuck!

Look Who Made Her Singing Debut Last Night…

That little peanut on the front row would only participate if her big sister stood with her. Never mind that Big Sister was supposed to stand three rows up with her second grade class instead of front and center with the two-year-olds. And participate in the singing? No, thank you. I’ll just stand here and suck my thumb.
My girls have had a fantastic week at Vacation Bible School. On Wednesday night, we enjoyed hearing them sing some of the songs they have been learning in our midweek service. Cute, cute stuff!


Mary Anneliese and I have spent a lot of time this year talking about sacrifice. We have read through the first several books of the Old Testament together as part of our homeschooling lessons. A significant portion of the Books of Law is God laying out His plan of redemption to the Israelites. It was a plan of bringing sacrifices as payment for sin. Each time the Israelites entered the temple for worship and hearing the Law, they were to first stop at the table of sacrifice and make restitution for their sin. They would bring goats, rams, birds, or whatever sacrifice they had. They brought the sin offering, the thank offering, the guilt offering, the grain offering, the fellowship offering. They brought it all as a sacrifice in order to make atonement.

I don’t know why chose for us to make restitution by sacrifice – this giving of innocent as payment for guilty. But that is the process that He, by His divine authority, gave us. As modern day Christians, those living after the Once and Final sacrifice was given, we know that we no longer stop at the front doors of church each Sunday morning and sacrifice goats or birds. Jesus became our all-encompassing sacrifice. Our Once and For All. Our Final Payment. And His sacrifice is enough. It is complete. It is able to make us children of the Most High God.

If God has given us such a complete payment for our sins, if He has made us worthy to be His children through the shed blood of Jesus, if He has atoned us completely and irrevocably, why do we try so hard to earn our salvation? Why do we still rely on good choices and being a nice person, instead of resting in His grace? Why do we try to be good enough and do good enough, when our sins have already marred us for eternity and the only way we can earn salvation is by accepting His already-paid-for atonement? Why do we try to do for ourselves what Jesus has done for us so perfectly?

The real answer to those questions is because we listen to the lies of the Enemy instead of claiming hold of our inheritance by faith. We blindly listen to the father of lies as he guilts us into believing that we don’t deserve salvation. And guess what… We don’t deserve it! That’s what grace is all about – God giving to us that which we have not earned. “For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:9) He gives us His grace-gift of salvation not because we deserve it, but because He wants us as His own and has made a way for it to happen.

It’s Too Bad Computers Aren’t Scratch and Sniff

Because I hate for you to miss this…

This Girl

This girl has the sweetest disposition of any child alive.
This girl is a stereotypical first-born. She is responsible, driven, amiable, perfectionistic, smart, and easy to love.
This girl is always performing. She loves to be on a stage or in front of a camera. If I had a nickel for every time she said, “Mama, watch me do this,” I could fund her college tuition.
This girl is talented in so many ways. She’s a dancer, a painter, a singer, a soccer player, a cheerleader, an excellent student, an arts and crafts maniac. And she is good at all of it.
This girl is her daddy’s heart, her mother’s joy, and her baby sister’s best friend and playmate.
This girl is funny, but serious. She is young at heart, but has an old soul. She is fashionable, but mismatched. She can ask a thousand questions, but can answer them all herself. She loves to try new things, but is scared she won’t do them perfectly. She is a dichotomy in so many ways.
This girl has her mama wrapped around her finger.


Is there anything more Southern than a yard full of hydrangeas in full bloom? I think not. I love the quote from the new issue of Southern Living: “French hydrangeas define the south like sweet tea and cornbread.” These big, robust plants grow well here in the sunny south. They are everywhere right now, and they are simply gorgeous!

They range in color from white to pink to blue to purple. The color depends on the acidity of the soil. A more acidic soil will produce a bluer flower. A more alkaline soil will produce a pink bloom. White varieties will remain white regardless of soil pH.
The girls and I went to Aldridge Gardens one day, and I fell in love with the way they used the snowflake hydrangeas as a border for large areas. The snowflake hydrangea is a larger, bushier type plant than a french hydrangea. It has white cone-shaped blooms. Because of Birmingham’s climate, the snowflake hydrangea grows really well. I have even seen it growing out of the side of a rocky cliff. For that reason they are ALL OVER TOWN. They are the official flower of the city of Hoover. Aldridge Gardens was selling them one day for $18 per one-gallon plant. That was too pricey for me since I need about 15 of them to line my driveway. I decided to do a little research on growing them from a cutting. It turns out that they are supposed to be really easy to grow from cuttings, so I went looking for some. I found some very full, pretty ones on the side of the road, so I got Jonathan to pull over on the highway. I took a ton of clippings, dipped them into rooting hormone, and planted them in pots. According to everything I have read, I should have plants ready to go in the ground in about six to eight weeks. Fo’ free! I sure do hope they take root, because that would save me over $200.00! Score.
Take some time to enjoy the hydrangeas today!

No Words

Today is one of those days when I am just overwhelmed by God. I am completely undone by His total perfection. The depth of His creativity is unfathomable to me. I have no words to describe Him because He is above my ability to use words in a descriptive way. Everything that is on this earth has its beginning in Him. He is the eventual source of all that is good. His holiness is so great that I cannot stand before Him, and yet He calls me to approach His throne of grace with confidence. How can that be?

His gift of salvation and completeness in Him? Why does He deem us worthy of that? We are dead in sin – completely dead. And yet, we are raised to new life in Him. I can’t wrap my mind around Him today. Or any day. I’m just very humbled and beyond grateful.