Introducing our Partnership with aTeam Ministries

It has been my prayer since beginning this little blog that God would take what I write here and use it for His glory. He has been so faithful to bring readers here day after day, and it is exciting and humbling to see how He uses the words I write in the lives of His children, many of whom I’ve never met. I’m always amazed at how He connects His children to each other in the craziest ways that only He could orchestrate. Such is the case with our new partnership…

I am so happy to announce a new partnership between The Hill Hangout and aTeam Ministries.

aTeam logo

aTeam Ministries is an organization started by our friends Jan and Andy Thrower. Because of their son Anderson’s journey with pediatric leukemia, Andy and Jan became aware that in addition to medical expenses, many pediatric cancer families have significant travel and lodging expenses. They were blessed to live in Birmingham, where Children’s Hospital located. However, there are families all over Alabama who travel from out of town to Birmingham for their child’s treatment, and they must foot the bill for hotels, gas, food, and more. I don’t have to tell you that hotel stays add up quickly, especially when some children are in the hospital for weeks and even months. And besides expenses, there are many situations in which pediatric cancer families find themselves that are best understood by people who have walked that road. Andy and Jan set out to minister to those families.

In 2009, they founded aTeam Ministries with the sole purpose of providing spiritual, emotional, and financial support to families within the pediatric cancer community. It is their desire to breathe life into 2 Corinthians 1:3-4:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which ourselves are comforted by God.”

aTeam’s provides spiritual support by meeting every Monday morning to pray for the children and families going through the cancer journey. They invite anyone to join them at their office in Homewood to pray with them. aTeam provides emotional support through programs like Personal Care Bags, Guess Who Is Coming To See You, Warm and Fuzzies Program, and Day at the Game. These programs provide much needed light during a very dark journey. Patients and their families are given the chance to forget about cancer for a little while and have a time of regular childhood FUN. aTeam provides financial support in two ways. The How Can We Help? financial grant program provides professional financial counseling for planning prolonged medical expenses and extends grants to families in critical financial need. The Home Away From Home program provides a place to stay for families experiencing extended stays away from home. This program seeks to offer hospitality and comfort by providing the practical necessities like free extended lodging in Birmingham, meals and snacks, and help with transportation expenses.

As part of the Home Away From Home program, we will be partnering with aTeam Ministries to open their SECOND apartment in which pediatric cancer families can stay while their children are receiving treatment. Shades Mountain Baptist Church has generously offered to pay the rent on the new apartment for three years. Because of the generosity of several supporters, aTeam has a very good start on furnishing the new apartment. The goal of The Hill Hangout is to leverage our relationship with corporate and individual sponsors to provide interior decorating services, as well as providing the remaining items needed to provide a beautiful, comfortable space for these families. Since we are called to follow Matthew 25:37-40, we will approach this project as if we are providing it for Jesus Himself.

If you would like to be part of serving pediatric cancer families in this way, please let me know. I would love to have you join us on this project.

Look for more posts coming soon. We will keep you updated as we progress through the project. We have already experienced the generosity of so many individuals and corporations who are making this dream a reality.

12 Days of Freedom (With a CyberMonday Deal)

I shared with you a few months ago that I have stepped up my involvement with Freeset, a business that employs women in India who have left prostitution. These brave women have walked away from the only line of work they’ve ever known and the only life they could have imagined. They never chose the sex trade; many of them simply don’t have another option. With no education, no husband, no job, and no way to support themselves, most of them enter into prostitution as the only way to feed their children.

Though the sex trade employs over 10,000 women each day in Kolkata alone, Freeset is a light burning brightly into some very dark situations. They offer women the opportunity to walk away from the sex trade. Freeset employs women to make bags and t-shirts, which are then shipped to warehouses around the world and sold for a profit.

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Profits go directly back into Freeset so that we can employ more women. The Freeset business model is mind-boggling. Take women who have no sewing skills, train them, pay them far more than the going rate, and throw in medical insurance, education, childcare, and retirement benefits.

And bring hope and healing to women who have never dared to dream of any other life than what they’ve known.

While I could talk all day about the beautiful Freeset women and what they do, I want to give you a chance to hear from Annie Hilton, the co-founder of Freeset. Annie and Kerry Hilton left their New Zealand home several years ago and moved with their four children into the red-light district of Kolkata to begin working with the women there. For twelve years they have tirelessly worked to bring freedom to women trapped in the sex trade. The situations aren’t easy and women and extremely reluctant to walk away. They’ve been tricked and lied to so many times that they are afraid to trust anyone. But Annie and Kerry keep trying.

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On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me… 2 noisy pigeons…

I woke one morning to a pair of pigeons proudly sitting on top of the wardrobe in our bedroom. Now, I usually love visitors but I didn’t particularly appreciate these 2 legged ones and they quickly got sent away! But, it did get me thinking of the unexpected knock on the door the day before.

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With arms full of the day’s washing when it happened – I quickly chucked it on the bed, shut the door and rushed to open the front door. In came 2 Bengali women – one whom I had met a few weeks before, who quickly introduced me to Roshni, a quiet, beautiful younger woman. Sitting on the floor together, sipping a cup of “cha” (Indian tea) I heard Roshni’s story.

Married at 13, a mother by 15 and now with 2 sons, abandoned by her husband and with no means of support she had come to town contemplating entering the sex-trade as a last resort to provide for her sons. A mother’s sacrifice – all too common a reality of women I have come to admire. Our mutual acquaintance had heard of the work of Freeset in Calcutta and knew we had moved north to start new freedom businesses here, too. Her concern for this young lady was evident and a reminder to me of why we have come north, where so many girls that in up in the brothels in Calcutta come from.

So back to the pigeons – not the gift I appreciated – but a gift I *will* treasure – new beginnings and new friends. May my door always remain open for those like Roshni.

(PS – we have each others phone numbers, and Roshni knows where I live. May it be the start of her freedom journey!)

So why are we so vigilant about selling bags and t-shirts here in the US? So that women like Roshni can have a job other than prostitution. We have been given so much, and with great blessing comes great responsibility to speak up for and work for those who can’t do it themselves. Women like Roshni need our help.

The best way to support Roshni and so many other women like her is to give them a job with dignity. When you purchase a Freeset product, you keep the Freeset business going. Christmas shipping is in full swing around the Freeset warehouse. There is still time to order for Christmas. And we are offering our readers a CyberMonday deal! Use code cyber50 to receive FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $50.

You can read Day 1 on Teri Lynne Underwood’s blog. Day 3 is on the Allume blog.

Y’all leave me a comment and let me know what you purchase. I’d love to know!

Thanksgiving Blessing Snack

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When my oldest daughter was in kindergarten (before we home schooled) parents got to send snacks every so often for the class to share. My turn rolled around in November, so I searched high and low for a cute Thanksgiving-themed snack for her to take to her friends. I came across a recipe for this snack mix, and I knew it was the perfect snack mix to help kindergartners understand the meaning of Thanksgiving. Her teacher was such a dear that she really took the time to explain all the ingredients to the children. She told them all about how the pilgrims came to the new land and how much we have to be grateful for. When I picked up Mary Anneliese up from school that afternoon, she told me over and over again how much she loved it. She was so proud to be able to share such a neat snack with her classmates. Since Thanksgiving is next week, I wanted to share the recipe with you in case you need a little happy for your kiddos.

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All you do is mix together the ingredients and package it up with the card attached. Please feel free to print out the card below to tie onto your goodies.

[yumprint-recipe id=’9′]

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Thanksgiving Tables

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” — Psalm 107:1

This verse has been little Pitter Patter’s memory verse the last few days, and I’ve been writing it on my heart as well. Such a small verse, and yet it goes straight to the heart of what the Christian life should look like. A life of Thanksgiving because of a God who is good. Good enough to right wrongs and redeem the human race. And He doesn’t do it with a heart of punishment for our wickedness, but because of His love. Hallelujah!

It is with gratitude for His generosity toward us that we enter the season of Thanksgiving. We are grateful for God our Father, Christ our King, and the blessed gift of the Holy Spirit. We give thanks for the institution of family and the gift of friends. We express gratitude for Christ’s bride, the church. We give thanks that one day all the wrongs of this world will finally be made right through the salvation of Jesus, our Lord.

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to celebrate extravagantly the gifts that God has given to us. It is a time to feast, not only on food and family time, but also on the blessings in this life and the life to come.

The gathering of family to celebrate together is one of the best blessings of the holiday. There is no right or wrong way to do Thanksgiving. Next year, we will spend Thanksgiving eating our lunch on the sidewalk at Disneyworld. In years past we have celebrated with just the four of us gathered around our little kitchen table. This year we will gather at my parents home with all of my parents children and grandchildren present. I see the great blessing in each celebration.

No matter the setting for your Thanksgiving, it’s always fun to turn the day into a celebration. This year’s celebration for us will have us gathering around multiple tables and enjoying each other’s company. While you can gather around any old table, I love the idea of a Thanksgiving table that makes guests feel like they are worth the effort. Beautiful tablescapes don’t have to be expensive or dramatic. You can use what you have on hand. Following my friend Mary’s advice, I put together a table that we’ve enjoyed using all week, even though the big day is still a week away. I used my white everyday dishes, the colorful Anthropologie bowls the girls gave me last Christmas, gold chargers that I bought at Fred’s for $1 each, and a few colorful mis-matched plates I have picked up through the years at Target, World Market, Pier 1, etc. The burlap “runner” is an oddly-shaped piece that I had left over from a craft project. The McCartey pottery pieces came from my bookshelves in the den. And the hydrangeas are blooms I cut off of our bushes when they were blooming and placed them in my china cabinet. They dried there perfectly.

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As always, look around online for inspiration. Here are a few tablescapes I found that could be easily replicated.

From Shabby Sweet Cottage:

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From Redhead Can Decorate:


Love the cotton bales from Sophia’s Decor:

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Such a pretty table using fresh vegetables and striped ribbon from Mariah at Giggles Galore:

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These branches by Lisa Griffith are fantastic! Each leaf has written on it something for which she is thankful.

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The love of family and friends is what makes Thanksgiving memories so special. The hospitality of creating a beautiful table will only add to those wonderful times.

I’ll Title This One “Brain Dump”

Y’all. I’m not really sure how it’s already November 21st and I have only posted one time this month. Not only have we been B.U.S.Y., but I have also had a bit of writer’s block. If you ever doubted that that was a real thing, I’m here to tell you that it is REAL. But sometimes you just have to push through and make yourself write, even if it isn’t your best material ever. I guess I say that to say that this post might just be more for me than it is for you. A sort of brain dump to clear the pathways for “real” ideas to flow again. And because this space is as much a scrapbook for me as it is a place for me to talk to you, I want to mark down a few things so that I don’t forget…

1. My oldest daughter was baptized two weeks ago. It ranks among my wedding day and the day my children were born as one of the best days of my life.

2. My little Pitter Patter had a birthday last week. Can’t believe that sweet girl is 6!! She celebrated with a ballet birthday party. Her big sister gathered a few friends to teach the little ones a ballet dance. It was kinda my favorite.

3. I traveled to Nashville with the Freeset team to sell merchandise at the Lifeway Women’s Leadership Forum. It was my first time at Lifeway HQ, and we were treated to an awesome time of worship with Travis Cottrell, followed by amazing Bible teaching from Vicki Courtney, Margaret Feinberg, Angela Thomas, and Esther Burroughs. There are so many truths tucked away in my heart from their talks. And I reconnected with many friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.

4. I was asked today by a local ministry to help them with a very cool project. More details coming soon, but I so appreciate how God has allowed me to do some really fun things in His kingdom lately.

5. As I’m writing this, my husband is sitting at the kitchen table working away on his computer. He has been up since 5:00 this morning, and now he is working late into the night. Im not sure how that man does what he does. And yet, he’s not complaining one bit. Just patiently typing away at whatever he’s working on. Keeping on keeping on so that the girls and I can do our thing everyday. He’s a keeper.

6. I have tried several new recipes lately, all in an attempt to share something new with you. They’ve all been less than stellar. Tonight’s Pasta with Spicy Tomato Cream Sauce and Scallops was so bad we threw it in the trash. I really want a good recipe for spicy tomato cream sauce, but I’m 0-2 so far.

7. The girls and I have had a good run finding pieces at the thrift stores lately. We have purchased about seven new pieces to refurbish. Two sold the day we finished them. It feels really, really good to be using a little creativity after not being able to paint for a while.

8. We traveled to Arab, Alabama, last weekend for a soccer game. To get from Birmingham to Arab you have to travel quite a few back roads. There are some funny sights on Alabama back roads. The drive-in movie/wedding venue ranks high on my list of funniest sights ever. Wish I’d known about it 15 years ago.

9. I’m struck everyday by how much this world needs more kindness. There are a lot of people pushing for their way and looking out for themselves only. Shouldn’t we be known by our kindness? Gentleness, too. We need more gentleness. And joy. You know what? We just need more fruit of the Spirit all the way around.

My OCD is telling me I need a #10, but I’m ready to go lie in my bed and watch 30 Rock on Netflix. Night, y’all.

Baptism Weekend

We had a super hugs weekend around here. Our baby girl is turning 6 this week, so we held her birthday party Friday night. On Sunday our big girl was baptized. Needless to say, this little blog took a back seat last week. Here’s a picture to hold you over until I can get back to writing this week.


Buried with Christ in baptism; raised to walk in newness of life.

A Letter To My Daughters About Modesty

Dear Ones:

Let’s have a frank discussion about modesty. There was a time in history when modesty was something to be valued. Women didn’t flaunt, and men didn’t ogle. Women wore beautiful, stylish clothing that made them look smart, successful, and self-controlled. And those appearances were backed up with equally honorable behavior. I realize that much of what you see in our culture today doesn’t reflect those values. I want you to know that it is okay to go against society on this one. In fact, it is way more than okay. It is honorable, necessary, and God-honoring to present yourself to the world in a way that is appropriate and modest.

You have a heavenly father who loves you and created you in His image. You are His beloved child, and He has great plans for you, plans that He put into motion before you were even born. He created you smart, strong, brave, powerful, and humble. Your outward appearance is a reflection of your heart. When you are walking in the plans He has for you, the way you dress and carry yourself will reflect it. But the opposite of that is also true. When you allow self-doubt, the need to impress, and hunger for attention to creep in, your dress and behavior will reflect that, too.

First Timothy 2:9-10 says, “Women should adorn themselves with respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness with good works.” The great thing about these verses is that they leave you so much room to have your own style. I’ve been shopping with you, so I know how hard it is to find modest clothing, but there are literally thousands of items of clothing that express who you are without being immodest. Have fun with fashion. Put outfits together that reflect your personality and interests. Accessorize like a champ. But do it in a way that tells the world that you are God’s child and you value your relationship with Him.

You see, Satan is active and working in the hearts of your generation. He tells young women that they aren’t pretty enough, smart enough, loved enough, funny enough, skinny enough, tall enough, WHATEVER enough. He leads them to be so insecure about themselves that they dress in ways that will bring attention to their bodies. Maybe it’s not a conscious thought, but it’s there nonetheless. He feeds them the lie that attention equals value, so they compromise their standards in the way they dress and the way they act. The problem is, there is always a payment for lowering your standards. What started out as a way for them to feel better about themselves ends up making them feel empty and sends them down a path to fill the insecure places. I want you to know there is nothing in this world that can satisfy your heart like a daily walk with Christ. Satan will tell you that you aren’t enough and so you need to destroy yourself and your reputation in order to gain the love of men. Jesus tells you that you aren’t enough, but He has been enough FOR you. He has placed Himself on the cross and born the weight of your sin because you are loved and important to Him. Cling to that. Show the world THAT.

You are beautiful. You are kind. You are smart. You are brave. You are a world changer. Dress to show the world that your heart is aligned with your Father’s heart. Never let insecurity, fear, or doubt have a voice in how you present yourself. Only speak, walk, dress, write, and live the love of Christ to everyone you meet. You are loved by your daddy and me, but you are so much more loved by Jesus.

You are always in my heart,

Sabbath Selah: Psalm 1

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”

The Word of God is life and abundance and strength and health. Lord, lead me in Your path through the study of Your word, that I may stay far from destruction.

Urban Purpose Boston Butt Sale


Hey, friends! If you are local to Birmingham, I want you to know about a fabulous opportunity to support Urban Purpose. Urban Purpose is a ministry run by our friends Jim McFarland and Mark Jenkins. The ministry is really two-fold. Jim and Mark lead a team who go downtown every Sunday afternoon and feed about 100 homeless people. Their purpose is to go to the same place each week so that people know where and when to expect them. They aim to not only feed people, but to build relationships with them in order to provide further ministry to them. People become homeless for a variety of reasons, and the Urban Purpose volunteers do a terrific job of listening to their stories and providing help in any way they can.

Because of the relationships that are built over time, Urban Purpose then has the opportunity to help people on a deeper level. Sometimes they help people find jobs. They often assist in finding addiction treatment. They help make housing arrangements. And they do it all very overtly in the name of Jesus. Each person they work with is introduced to the gospel. They is a lot of prayer that goes on. People are taught that God is bigger than their circumstances and He wants to give them His Son. Many of the homeless have never been told that someone loves them and wants them and has good plans for them. Urban Purpose is a place of hope and healing for them.

There are several ways you can become involved with Urban Purpose:

Pray for them: Light doesn’t break through darkness without a fight. The ministers and homeless that are involved with Urban Purpose go through some major warfare as they try to pierce the darkness. God desperately desires for these folks to come home to Him, but many of their lives have been so entangled with sin for so long that they have a hard time letting go of their past. Please pray for the ministers to have strength and patience and persistence to do all they have to do. Please pray for the homeless to see their worth in Christ and come to Him for salvation, hope, and healing. And pray that they would then use their past for His glory.

Go downtown with them: The team meets at Shades Mountain Baptist Church student building each Sunday at 2:30 rain or shine. They spend a few minutes getting updates and praying and then head downtown to set up the tent and get the serving line ready. There is always a line by the time the teams arrive. This is a fantastic way to get your entire family involved in ministry.

Provide a meal: If your family, Sunday school class, baseball team, small group, or whatever other group you’re involved in would like to provide the food for a Sunday meal, go here to sign up. There are usually around 100 people to feed. If you need more info before signing up, please shoot me an email or contact Urban Purpose through their blog.

Buy a Boston Butt: Urban Purpose holds two major fundraising campaigns each year. One is the Urban Purpose 5K race, held in the fall. The other is a boston butt sale, GOING ON NOW!! The boston butt sale provides a major chunk of the funds needed to run the ministry for the year. If you would like to purchase a DELICIOUS smoked boston butt, please click here for ordering information. Butts are $35 and can be picked up from Shades Mountain Baptist Church on either Friday, October 25 (2:00-6:30) or Saturday, October 26 (7:30-11:30).

If you’d like to become more involved with a ministry like Urban Purpose, there is always room for more help! To read more about our family’s involvement, check out their blog.

Memory Verses for Little Hearts

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My love for scripture started young. I was raised in the church, and memorizing Bible verses has been part of my Christian walk for longer than I can remember. And for good reason. One of the first stages of a child’s intellectual development is memorization. In the preschool and early elementary years, a child’s brain is wired perfectly for memorizing facts. A child might not yet have the critical thinking skills to fully understand what they are learning, but they can memorize and recite with near perfect clarity. (And the days will come soon enough that they begin to analyze the facts they have stored.) These early years are the perfect time to store up God’s word in their little hearts.

We have discussed the life-long value of memorizing scripture and a good system to memorize scripture, so I won’t re-tell that story here. I have even given you a list of Memory Verses for Beginners. ADULT beginners, that is. However, I would like to give you a list of terrific scriptures to use as a starting point in teaching your little ones God’s word. These are given in an easy-to-understand translation so that even the youngest ones can grasp how big and wide and deep is God’s love for them.

Of course, there are a few things to remember when teaching tiny tots about God’s word. We want scripture memory to be exciting for them and not a dreaded chore. So make it fun. Explain what the verse means. Make up a dance. Incorporate hand motions. Use music (Seeds Family Worship is a great source). Doodle it. There are many ways you can engage a child’s mind AND body in scripture memory, which helps them remember it better. And now on to our suggested verses…

1. Psalm 56:3 – “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”

2. Ephesians 4:32 – “Be kind to one another.”

3. Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

4. Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

5. Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all everything through Jesus, who gives me strength.”

6. Psalm 139:14 – “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

7. Isaiah 43:5 – “Do not be afraid for I am with you.”

8. Colossians 3:20 – “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases God.”

9. James 1:19 – “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

10. Psalm 145:9 – “The Lord is good to all.”

11. Matthew 28:20 – “I am with you always.”

12. Psalm 136:1 – “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.”

13. Luke 6:31 – “Do to others as you want them to do to you.”

14. Joshua 24:15 – “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

15. 1 John 4:7 – “Let us love one another, for love comes from God.”

16. Mark 10:27 – “Everything is possible with God.”

17. Philippians 1:3 – “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”

18. Isaiah 40:8 – “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our GOd stands forever.”

19. Romans 12:21 – “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

20. Proverbs 15:1 – “A soft answer turns away anger.”

21. Genesis 28:15 – “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.”

22. Psalm 104:33 – “I will sing to the Lord all my life.”

23. 1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast all your worries on the Lord, for He cares for you.”

24. Matthew 7:7 – “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find.”

25. Philippians 4:6 – “Do not be anxious about anything.”