Welcome to the new Hill Hangout

Thank you, friends, for looking for us at our new home on the internet. We appreciate the years you have followed us at our Blogspot home, but we hope that our new home on WordPress will allow us to build a better blog for you to enjoy more. This new site is still a work in progress!! You will notice many changes over the coming weeks as I figure out how to use WordPress. There are many tweaks that need to be made and several incomplete sidebars that will be finished. Once these loose ends are tied up, I hope that you will find a more organized, categorized blog that is more user-friendly. I look forward to the possibilities that this move holds for us at the Hill Hangout.

Please note that if you subscribed to the old blog through a reader or if you had it bookmarked, those old settings will not move to the new blog automatically. You will need to re-subscribe to the new site, re-bookmark it, or you can follow us through Goodle Friend Connect, which is on the upper right side of this blog.

We love to hear from you! Please leave comments so that we know you’ve been here. I write this blog as a way to stay connected with our friends and family, and without your comments it can be a very one-sided conversation. Your comments encourage us to keep writing. So LEAVE COMMENTS!! 🙂

Thanks for reading and thanks for caring about us enough to read. Your interest in us is humbling.

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