Book #21 The Heart Mender

It’s no secret that I love Andy Andrews’ writing. When I was contacted by a rep from Thomas Nelson to read and write a blog review about his newest book, I jumped at the chance. This, my friends, is one of his best. It’s called The Heart Mender, and it’s all about forgiveness and second chances.

As with all of Andy Andrews’ stories, it is hard to tell where fact leaves off and fiction begins. The Heart Mender is set in the time of World War II, and is, like so many of Andrews’ books, set in the Baldwin County, Alabama, area. The story involves a German submariner who floats ashore in Baldwin County, after being shot and presumed dead by his Nazi commander. He is found on the beach by Helen, a waitress in a local diner who is still reeling from the death of her young husband in the war. If ever two people have a reason to hate each other, it is these two.

The story that unfolds is full of suspense, friendship, forgiveness. It is the story of moving forward, even when you have a good reason to stay angry. I love the way Andrews explains this concept: “If you forgive somebody for something he did to you, that means you choose to never allow that event to determine how you feel or how you act or how you treat that person. You may remember the wrong, but by choosing to forgive, you have disarmed it. Then it can no longer determine what you think, what you say, or what you do.” It’s a powerful lesson that could revolutionize the world, if only we would allow it to.

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