Favorite Childhood Read Aloud Books

Even though I’m technically still in my childhood, I have books that I remember from years past. I’ve been homeschooled since first grade and one of my favorite subjects has always been reading. I loved reading to myself and being read to by my mom. I thought some of you might want some ideas on what books to read aloud to your kiddos. Below, I’ve linked some of my favorite books that I still remember the storyline of 6-7 years after reading it. All these were read to me by my mother dear and made fun memories for younger me.

1. Little House on the Prairie– This is more of a series than just a book because I enjoyed all of the Little House books just the same. If I had to pick a favorite though, it would probably be Little House on the Prairie. I loved Ma, Pa, Laura, Mary, and baby Carrie just as if they were my own extended family.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books

2.The Borrowers– This book was so, so good! I loved it! It is about a family, who is small, so they live under the floor boards of a normal family’s house. They have to “borrow” things from the normal family in order to make their tiny home and get food. It was the cutest book and there is a movie that is adorable as well.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books from TheHillHangout.com width=

3.The Family Under the Bridge– I remember that during summer reading at the library one year, if you read a certain number of pages, you would get to go into the “book room” and pick out any book you wanted to take home with you. Of course I read the pages, I mean who wouldn’t want a free book? I picked out this book and have loved it ever since! It’s also a shorter book for all your short attention-spanded small friends.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books from TheHillHangout.com width=

4. Mr. Poppers Penguins– This book was a marvelous one to read and watch. It is about Mr. Popper who gets a package from one of his exploring idols. It’s a crate full of cold weather friends who he quickly has no idea what to do with. He is super funny for little kids and I got a kick out of him. He has a really cute movie too!

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books from TheHillHangout.com width=

5. The Twenty-One Balloons– This book was so superb that we read it twice! It is about a professor who no longer wants to teach, but fly around the world in a hot-air balloon. He sets sail with 1 and is found in the ocean with twenty-one on the other side of the world. This book is full of imagination and creativity so I’m sure your little readers will love it!

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud book from TheHillHangout.com width=

6. Where the Sidewalk Ends is a fantastic book. It is a poetry book, so that means the entire book is made of poems. You can read as many or as little at a time, so you can basically pick how long you want to read for. The pictures in it are hand drawn and are so diverse compared to other books,which makes it really fun to read.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books

7. The Invention of Hugo Cabret– This book is almost too wonderful to describe! I think our family has read it at LEAST four times. It is the story of a boy who lives in a train station and keeps the clocks running. He is supposed to be living there with his uncle, but when he didn’t come back several days after an outing, Hugo has adjusted to living alone. This book is illustrated, but the illustrations usually cover the entire page, and there are several at a time. It is an enchanting story and I hope everyone has a chance to read it.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books

8. The Moffats– This book is so fun! The characters in it are funny, adventurous, and quite cleaver. There are 4 kids in the family, and they are all unique, but still similar. Only they could get stuck in a breadbox, or “hitch a ride on a boxcar during kindergarten recess,” as Amazon describes it. They’ll have you rooting for them in no time on their fun filled adventure.

Favorite Childhood Read-Aloud books

Thanks so much for reading today!! If you want more book suggestions, check out Books I Want to Read in 2017 and Books I Want to Read in 2017- Teen Edition. Happy reading everybody!
XOXO, Mary Anneliese

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