Bracelet Stacking: How To Get It Right

Megan Larussa Head Shot

We know that our true beauty as Christian women doesn’t come from what we wear, but it comes from within, a gentle and quiet spirit that is at peace with God and other people. But once you’ve spent time on your inner beauty, it can be fun to work on the outer beauty as well. After all, God has made His girls feminine and beautiful, so let’s enjoy being the women He created us to be.

When it comes to looking our best, we all need a few tips now and then. Our friend Megan LaRussa is back at The Hill Hangout today, and this time she comes armed with must-have info on accessorizing. Megan is a Birmingham-based style coach, writer of the fashion blog, and regular guest on our local Fox6 morning show. She spends her days helping southern women look (and therefore feel) their best. Megan always brings us great tips on how to pull together a look in a way that is beautiful and functional. Thanks for joining us, Megan!

One of the ‘finishing touches’ my Style Coaching clients get to experience is learning how to ‘Accessorize like a Pro’. During this session, they learn how to layer necklaces, tie scarves, properly wear belts, learn when to wear certain types of jewelry, and HOW TO STACK BRACELETS.

In this week’s Style Secrets with Megan, I share with YOU my simple tips to help you wear bracelets with ease so you can be out the door looking your best in less than a minute! Enjoy!

Style Secrets with Megan: How to Stack Bracelets from Megan LaRussa on Vimeo.

As always, thanks for watching!

If you want more style tips make sure to sign up for Megan’s 25 Favorite Style Tips.

Yours in Style,


PS: While Megan is a fabulous stylist who is well-known in Birmingham for making women look their best, her heart for people with mental illness make her inner beauty shine brightly. Check out Megan’s work with Oasis, an organization started by her Grandmother which provides mental health services to underserved women and children.

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