Blueberries, Blueberries, Blueberries

We have become frequent customers at Morgan Creek Vineyards, our new favorite place to pick blueberries. We went again last week and took our friends the Guthrie’s along. Jon and Shonda are church friends who moved to Houston last year. They have been back in the Birmingham area, along with their children Lucy and Henry, visiting family. 

It was about 98 degrees in Birmingham that day, so blueberry picking was hot work.
After picking blueberries in the blazing heat, we headed out to the splash pad to cool off.
Visiting with out-of-town friends is so much fun! We were so happy to see them and to have them all to ourselves for the day!
Tonight for dinner we’re having a yummy dessert made with some of the blueberries we picked. I’ll be back later with a recipe.

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