Book #10 Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

After my first encounter with Truman Capote, I was intrigued. I found myself wanting to read some of his fictional work to see if it was anything like In Cold Blood. While the writing was just as beautiful, the plot was, of course, quite different. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the story of young, flighty socialite Holiday Golightly. I just have to stop right here and say that there has never, ever in the history of fiction writing been a name as perfectly suited for a character as that of Holiday Golightly. Anyhoo, I was intrigued at Norman Mailer’s comment that Truman Capote was the “most perfect writer of my generation.” And he also said, “I would not have changed two words in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” I had to read it.

Not ever having seen the movie (Can you believe it!?!), I really didn’t know what to expect. First of all, it’s a very short book. Just a short novella of only 105 pages. I wasn’t sure Capote could tell an entire story in such a short time, but I found the plot to be fully developed. I enjoyed the flair and flakiness of Miss Golightly. She had a carefree attitude, even in the face of some big problematic situations.

I really did enjoy the book and am glad I read it. Now I am going to have to see the movie. (And then I have to see Capote.) I know I commented on casting n my last book review, but casting Audrey Hepburn for the role of Holly Golightly? PERFECTION!! Is there anyone as simply elegant and beautiful as her? I mean, it’s almost like Truman Capote had her in mind when he wrote the book. (I read that it was based on a combination of Gloria Vanderbilt, Oona Chaplin and Walter Matthau’s wife, Carol Grace.) I just have to include a picture, because she is indeed an icon. Look closely at that necklace. Who else could pull that off? Breathtaking!

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