The Power of Words

This morning I have been pondering the power of our words. I have long known about how important it is to choose our words wisely, but I wanted to bring this post to you today in hopes that it will be timely for some of you. God addresses “speaking” A LOT in scripture. Have you ever noticed that when God created this magnificent world in which we live, He didn’t wave His hand and magically bring it into being. He didn’t “think it” into creation. The Bible says in Genesis that God SAID, “Let there be…” and it WAS. He chose words to be the vehicle He used to create. And words have no less power now than they did when He first used them. We create with our words even today. Do you believe that your words have the power to create your environment? Think about it…

How many times have you spoken too harshly to your child because you were at the end of your rope? What kind of environment did it create? When that happens in our home, it creates a child with a broken spirit, one who is trying so hard to please me and yet feels frustrated and defeated because her best efforts weren’t good enough. My misuse of words creates in me a feeling tremendous guilt because I am fully aware of what I have just done to my precious child. They create a feeling of defeat, that I have done it AGAIN. Thank God we have grace and mercy, and I thank Him that I have a child with a forgiving spirit so that peace can be restored quickly. But how much better would it have been if those harsh words had never been spoken? James 3:5, when speaking about our words, says “Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” Our hurtful words can have far-reaching effects that we never intended. And many times we don’t even know how hurtful we have been, but you can believe that the ones we have hurt know.

How often has my husband been worn out after a physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting day (or week, or month) at work, and my encouraging words renew and strengthen him? I admit that this doesn’t happen as often as it should. But our words have the power to restore and heal. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” In the same way that negative words can harm, fitly chosen words can be like a balm, healing over wounds and relieving hurt feelings and anger. They can encourage and strengthen. Our positive words can convey acceptance and appreciation.

Our words have effect in this world and in the lives of others. What kind of impact will your words have? The choice is yours… and mine.

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